Orca Conservancy_FINAL_ Commercial Whale Watching SEPA Draft EIS Public Comment
Orca Conservancy publicly supports the Pacific Whale Watch Association (PWWA). This current DEIS suggests removing the vessels that are in compliance with all the current regulations.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has publicly stated they do not have the ability to impose restrictions on the recreational boaters. Yet, in our experience, the overall majority of recreational boaters are unable to define the difference between viewing the critically endangered Southern Residents or Transients.
Regrettably, the Commercial Whale Watching Licensing Program (CWWLP) Advisory Committee failed to reach consensus, and this appears related to failure to consider reasonably foreseeable consequences.
Lastly, while we are committed to continue having a voice for the SRKWs; however, it's extremely frustrating a large majority of precious time and funding isn't being spent on where it's needed most: salmon restoration.