Orca Conservancy's comment on the Ecology Draft 'Modified' National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits to Raise Steelhead

The Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) modifications to the existing NPDES permits still include severe environmental risks and consequences related to rearing high densities of highly domesticated fish - in this case steelhead - within marine open water net pens.

Therefore, Ecology is not adhering to well-documented risks which are inherent to what open water net pens can and do to materialize and endanger the health of our waters. Waters which are working harder than ever to support our culture, economy, wild salmon, and killer whales; especially the critically endangered Southern Resident killer whale population.


28 NGOs in the PNW Thank Governor Inslee for his Leadership, to Offer Our Support, and to Share Our Perspective on Key Issues Moving Forward.


Orca Conservancy_FINAL_ Commercial Whale Watching SEPA Draft EIS Public Comment