Take Quick Action NOW!

Orca Conservancy supportsbreaching the Lower Snake River dams as one of the best ways to restore wildchinook salmon runs, which will prevent the Southern Residents from starving.This article appeared today in CrossCut and we are asking you to share the linkwith your elected officials in DC. The goal is to flood their offices with thisstory so they know that the people of Washington state will not acceptextinction as an option. The links below in the contact information are fortheir emails. Please email them today.

Link to the article:


Talking Points

  • Please let them know that you strongly supportthe work of the PSP, especially the benefits for the Southern Residents. Letthem know that you are proud of the WA state legislature for providing fundingfor the stakeholder forum which allows Washingtonians to determine next stepsif the Lower Snake River (LSR) dams are breached.
  • Ask them to support discussions centered on thepossibility of breaching the Lower Snake River dams. This offers the mostpromise for restoration of wild chinook salmon, the Southern Residentspreferred food.
  • Tell them how excited you are by the commentsmade by Representative Mike Simpson, (R) Idaho, stating the “what if”discussions need to start taking place because we have spent over 16 billiondollars trying to save the salmon since the LSR dams went up and we have notbeen successful.
  • Let them know your concern over the current NEPAprocess to study dam removal being shortened by a year and you are worriedabout the thoroughness and the transparency of the process, as well as thediminished role the public will be allowed to have.

Contact Information

Senator Maria Cantwell

511 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC20510

(202) 224 3441


SenatorPatty Murray

154 Russell Senate Office Building WashingtonDC 20510

(202) 224-2621


Susan DelBene 1stDistrict

2330 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-6311


Rick Larsen 2ndDistrict

2113 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-2605


Jaime HerreraBeutler 3rd District

2352 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-3536


Dan Newhouse 4thDistrict

1414 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC20515

(202) 225-5816


Cathy McMorrisRodgers 5th District

1035 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC20515

(202) 225-2006


Derek Kilmer 6thDistrict

1410 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC20515

(202) 225-5916


Pramila Jayapal7th District

1510 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC20515

(202) 225-3106

Kim Schrier 8thDistrict

1123 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC20515

(202) 225-7761


Adam Smith 9thDistrict

2264 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-8901


Denny Heck 10thDistrict

2452 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515

(202) 225-9740



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