A Special Movie Event: Dammed to Extinction

For centuries, three unique pods of killer whales havethrived off the coast of Washington, spending summers in the interior waters ofthe Salish Sea, feasting on chinook salmon. For the past 50 years, these orcas'presence has thrilled and fascinated people--biologists, tourists, andunsuspecting boaters and fishermen. But chinook salmon are in trouble--withless than one percent of their historic abundance in the Pacific Northwest. Thebeloved local orca whales' fate has followed the salmon. Dams have been themain culprit behind salmons' demise. A broad and growing coalition ofscientists, economists, conservationists, and citizens say removing the worstfish killing dams is the best chance we have to bring abundant runs of salmonand the orca that rely on them. 

Post screening Q&A panel with orca scientist Dr. Deborah Giles andother lead experts in the field.

When: Friday, June 7th @ 6:30 PM, 5:30 pre-reception with purchased tickets

Where: The Mountaineers, 7700 Sand Point Way, NE, Seattle, WA 98115

Tickets: Twooptions

Option 1. Reception and screening – pre-screening reception with beer, wine, nonalcoholic beverages, and light appetizers ($10 minimum donation). Doors open at 5:30.

Option 2. Screening only – Tickets donation based and greatly appreciated, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Doors open at 6:30.

RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dammed-to-extinction-film-screening-tickets-61258450675.

Web pages:





Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @dammedtoextinction @savewildsalmon

#salmonsolutions #savewildsalmon #saveorca #chinook #documentary


Earthjustice, Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, Environment WA, WildOrca, Whale Scout, Orca Conservancy, Backbone Campaign, Meaningful Movies, NWF

Specialthanks to business sponsors: Freemont Brewing Co., Beecher’s Cheese,PCC Markets, and Central Co-op


Ready, Set, GO!! Nathan Hale High School is Kicking Off OrcaStars


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