Orca Recovery Day | October 17, 2020 - what a great success!!

COVID-19 has forced us all to adjust to a new normal, but that doesn't mean conservation efforts stop. In fact, for our own health and the health of our communities, hands on conservation is more important than ever!

On October 17, 2020, Orca Recovery Day gave many of us the opportunity to join an Eco-Challenge AND with social distancing!! For Orca Conservancy, we spent the morning cleaning the private beach at Shorewood on the Sound.

The Problem

Orcas rely on their main food source, the endangered Chinook salmon, to survive.

Due to habitat loss, climate change and increased pollution, it has become even more difficult for migrating salmon to make the journey home to create new fish. In order to save our orcas, we must start with our salmon and reducing the stormwater pollution that builds up in them and poisons orcas.

What Can YOU Do?

Each one of us has something to offer in the fight for our orcas. YOU can plant native shrubs and trees, collect trash along roads and beaches, or expand your green space outside your office building- anything that makes the environment better than how you found it.

If you’re unable to do something physical, there’s other options for you. You can educate yourself, those around you, and even your elected officials on the issues facing orcas. If your specialty lies in social media, blogging or videography, we can use your skills to bring more awareness to #OrcaRecoveryDay.

You can also donate to Orca Conservancy, to ensure funding that will assist with our projects!

There’s strength in numbers. With all of us working together, there’s still time to save our orcas.

Thank you for all your kindness, assistance, laughter and fun. What a great turnout in helping to clean up the environment -- for us, our families, and the endangered Southern Resident killer whale population. 


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