Orca Conservancy makes comment on the Draft Commercial Whale Watching Licensing Program

Please be aware that the comments on the Draft Commercial Whale Watching Licensing Program rules are technically due December 5th, however, comments received by November 13th will be summarized and presented to the Fish and Wildlife Commission during their December meeting.

Yeah, we were confused, too. :)

That being said, Orca Conservancy did NOT agree with either of the proposed rules offered by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) regarding the Draft Commercial Whale Watching Licensing Program and have submitted the following comments below.

Please utilize our comments and add your personal comments to the administrative record before December 5th at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/cwwrules

Thank you!


OC Makes Comment on the Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project | NWS-2014-1118


Orca Recovery Day | October 17, 2020 - what a great success!!