Orca Conservancy Encourages a Mandatory Delay on 'Real-Time' Posts of Endangered SRKWs

NOAA Killer Whale patrols begin in San Juan Islands

Screen Shot 2016-07-08 at 7.05.45 PMSummer patrols will begin soon to remind boat operators to stay 200 yards away from Killer Whales. This is especially important to protect the critically endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale population. ‪#‎BeWhaleWise‬Orca Conservancy encourages a mandatory delay on 'real time' reports -- especially across social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc) -- regarding the location of ENDANGERED Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW), and we will continue to track and document these offences. If you'd like to help, please send information to orcaconservancy@gmail.com Thanks! /Shari

Food for thought: It is just as scientifically important to know where they've been, compared to where they are right now...bewhalewise.org 

Do our individual actions to help the environment really make a difference? YES!


Orca Conservancy supports stronger fisheries management and to withdraw the bad NS1 rule