#winning -- Governor Inslee signs Oil Spill Prevention Act, E2SSB 6269, into law

Oil Spill Prevention Act, E2SSB 6269

On March 23, 2018, Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed E2SSB 6269 into law which will provide secure and reliable funding for the Department of Ecology’s Oil Spill Prevention Program by expanding the barrel tax to pipelines.

Thanks to this legislation, marine protections will be fully implemented and ongoing concerns will be addressed regarding oil spill prevention and preparedness. This legislation will provide additional funding for state oil spill prevention and response activities, update geographical response plans, and provide funding to research and make recommendations for both tug escorts and a stationed rescue tug for all vessels carrying large quantities of oil across the Salish Sea.

Again, we thank Governor Inslee and the legislators, especially Sen. Kevin Ranker!!


GIVEBIG Returns on May 9!


Governor Inslee signs Atlantic salmon phase out bill into law