VICTORY! Judge rules against Georgia Aquarium in its quest for beluga whales

The Georgia Aquarium has lost its court case in which it tried to import 18 beluga whales that were caught from the wild in Russia, according to court documents.Until recently, SeaWorld had been expected to receive several of the beluga whales through a breeding loan. SeaWorld earlier this month said it was no longer interested in receiving the belugas.

The aquarium had sued the federal government, which turned down its request to import for the belugas. On Monday, court documents show a judge granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment and ruled against the Georgia Aquarium.

"Like something out of a Russian spy novel.... Georgia Aquarium launched a wholesale attack on NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service), accusing the Agency of `cooking the books' to fabricate its rationale in a deliberate and conspiratorial effort to deny Georgia Aquarium's import permit," federal judge Amy Totenberg wrote."Having carefully reviewed the administrative record in this case and all parties' arguments, the Court finds that NMFS (National Marine Fisheries' Service) properly reviewed Georgia Aquarium's permit application," Totenberg wrote.A spokeswoman for the aquarium said executives there are still reviewing the ruling.Animal advocates hailed the judge's decision." Beluga whales do not belong in captivity -- they die an early death and are not suited for small tanks," said Mark Palmer, associate director of Earth Island Institute's International Marine Mammal Project, in an email. "We are pleased the court agreed with the original decision by the US National Marine Fisheries Service that allowing imports would violate the US Marine Mammal Protection Act, subjecting wild belugas in Russia to depletion from the captivity trade, encouraging further captures, and violating the MMPA's ban on captures and imports of baby belugas still dependent on their mothers. Beluga whales belong in the wild."Copyright © 2015, Orlando Sentinel


Historical Information from October 2012, where 45 separate organizations, including Orca Conservancy, stood firmly in opposition: Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.02.47 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.02.58 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.03.08 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.03.17 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.03.47 PM

Letter of opposition from Orca Conservancy. Dated: October 3, 2012:

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"Above and Beyond: Drones Used to Help Endangered Orcas" / Al Jazeera America 10/21/15
