Take Action Now | Sign the Petition

As part of the Save Our wild Salmon coalition, Orca Conservancy is asking our supporters, volunteers, and followers to
SIGN THE PETITION asking our Northwest elected officials to act now and develop a plan to restore the lower Snake River, thereby ensuring a steady diet of Chinook salmon for the Southern Residents. The recently released FEIS and BiOp failed again to take needed action despite acknowledging that restoring the lower Snake River by removing its dams delivers the "highest benefit" for fish.

We must think - and act - bigger and bolder.  Elected leaders in the Pacific Northwest must act now to bring people together and develop a plan that restores the lower Snake River, recovers its imperiled salmon, and invests in regional fishing and farming communities. Right now we have an opportunity to not only achieve the largest river restoration and salmon recovery in history, but also to make critical investments that enhance communities and ensure a vibrant future for farming, fishing, recreation, port, and tribal businesses across the Northwest.

More action opportunities can be found HERE.

Thank you for speaking up for the Southern Residents -- Be Their Voice.


SOS Hot Water Report | August 19, 2020


SOS Hot Water Report | August 12, 2020