Our Sound Our Salmon | Working together to execute a three-step strategy to protect our Sound and our salmon from Atlantic salmon net pens

Comments on Clallam County Mitigated Determination of Non-significance (MDNS) on the application by Cooke Aquaculture Pacific (CAP) for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for the expansion of Atlantic salmon net pen aquaculture facility offshore of Port Angeles in the Strait of Juan De Fuca.Our Sound, Our Salmon is a collaborative campaign of businesses, commercial fishermen, conservation organizations, and individuals across the Puget Sound Region working together to execute a three-step strategy to protect our Sound and our salmon from Atlantic salmon net pens. Together we are forging a powerful grassroots coalition that will send a loud and clear message to the State of Washington that we need to:1.     Stop the expansion of all new Atlantic salmon net pens in Washington’s waters2.    Deny the renewal of all state aquatic leases for the existing Atlantic salmon net pens in Washington3.    Join California, Oregon, and Alaska and ban all Atlantic salmon net pens in Washington######


Orca Conservancy Submits Scoping Comments on Eel River Dams to FERC


Orca Conservancy Continues Support for Maintaining the Core Conservation Provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Act