SOS Hot Water Report | August 5, 2020

Orca Conservancy is sharing the Hot Water Report from the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition. This weekly report presents the conditions of the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers and the impact the warming water temperatures are having on endangered wild salmon populations. Since wild Chinook salmon is the #1 food source for the endangered Southern Resident killer whale (SRKW) population, monitoring these reports is important as we work to breach the Lower Snake River Dams. This week’s report focuses on the Federal Government's Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Columbia River System Operations, which include the lower Snake River dams so be sure to read through section IV. Note that this week the water behind three of those dams is above 70 degrees.

Please click the image below for this week’s report:


SOS Hot Water Report | August 12, 2020


Orca Conservancy Urges Warren Buffett to Continue Backing Klamath River Dam Removal