Orca Conservancy Volunteers Wanted

As most of you know, Orca Conservancy is an all-volunteer organization, and we on the Board of Directors all work full-time jobs, so as a result, all the work we all do for the organization is outside of our normal working hours. One of our goals is to bring forth more educational resources that will assist new volunteers who want to make a difference through our organization.Well, that is about to change! Due to the most recent challenges with J35 and J50, Orca Conservancy has many new volunteers coming forward, and we are thrilled! “J35’s tour of grief, has brought forward a new interest of people who are wanting to help, and we need to find a way to let them,” says Suzanne Newman, OC’s Board Member — Outreach. “We need a way to bring volunteers into the fold easily, and help to assign volunteers tasks and projects that are the best fit for them — especially helping in various community-based programs in their own neighborhoods.”We Need YOUR Help! It has never been a more critical time for volunteers to step up and help OC in the various initiatives we have on our plate for the upcoming year, but we want to do this right, and we need your help!Orca Conservancy has the desire to create a streamlined and efficient volunteer program that can help volunteers to get up to speed quickly and start making a difference. We believe it starts first with a Core Volunteer Committee.This core committee will need to help create action items for volunteers that are most compatible and appealing with their individual interests, geographical location and skillsets.If you have any experience in helping in Project Coordination or Management, Administrative Skills, Team Leadership, Outreach, Marketing, etc., WE NEED YOU!!Please contact Suzanne Newman if interested:  425.802.5300, or you can email her at suzanne@answersforelders.com.


Being Part of the Solution - Helping the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale Population


Come Join Orca Conservancy at Sustainamania 2018!