Orca Conservancy Volunteers with Local Restoration Project - DIRT

Orca Conservancy volunteer, Elliot Ness, spent the early morning hours on Saturday, July 1 with the Duwamish Infrastructure Restoration Training (DIRT) in restoring a portion of Westcrest Park.19747863_10155068530059934_422989092_o (1)DIRT, along with its volunteers, cleared THREE heaping piles of Himalayan blackberry. This time most all clearing area was done in the underbrush.

DIRT Corps provides Green Infrastructure Career Training for South Seattle Young Adults. Our focus is Urban Forestry, Green Infrastructure, and Wetlands. The program provides hands-on training with a focus on rain garden and cistern design/build, operations and maintenance (O&M), vegetation management, and ecological restoration.
Killer whales are an iconic species here in Washington State, and restoration projects like this are vital in assisting with the recovery of the endangered Southern Resident killer whale population that travels between British Columbia and California each year, spending the summer months feeding on salmon in Puget Sound.
Our motto: There's 1,000 cuts that need 1,000 bandaids - this is just one more way we continue working to help the whales.

Orca Conservancy - Orca Protectors | July 4th 2017 | San Juan Island


Orca Conservancy Sponsors Beach Clean Up in honor of Orca Month