Orca Conservancy supports the re-authorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management Act (MSA)

Dear Members,Currently, the 40-year old Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Management Act (MSA) is before Congress for re-authorization. Due to the link between salmon recovery, forage fish abundance, ecosystem planning and orca population vitality—and how central the MSA is to achieving these, Orca Conservancy is proud to have signed-on with 19 other organizations in an attempt to gain support from Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA 3rd District)) and Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA 8th District). And, in doing so, to ensure that the Magnuson Stevens Act (MSA) is reauthorized in a way which modernizes the MSA and maintains its scientific integrity.   UPDATE: The sign-on letter, listed below, has already resulted in an invitation to speak with Rep. Reichert and we are pursuing a meeting with Rep. Herrera Beutler.Sincerely,Shari TarantinoPresident, Board of DirectorsOrca Conservancy(206) 379-0331 page1page2page3


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