OC Makes Comment on the Proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

As a member of the Chehalis River Alliance, a coalition of concerned citizens, sovereign tribes, and local organizations invested in protecting the Chehalis River Basin, Orca Conservancy understands the main link between the dam and orca recovery comes down to how the dam would affect Chinook salmon.

Spring Chinook are particularly important for Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) for the same reason Columbia River and Klamath River Spring Chinook are important. Spring Chinook migration timing occurs when SRKWs are pregnant and/or lactating and who heavily rely on Spring runs which are especially rich in fat and have the highest caloric value.


British Columbia First Nation Leaders call for an End to Net Pen Aquaculture amid Net Pen Sea Lice Infestations | June 25, 2020


OC Timeline | 1996 – 2020