OC Makes Comment on North Bend Water Supply Plan

After making public testimony and writing the following letter, the North Bend City Council voted unanimously to approve the Water Supply Plan (WSP), despite the overwhelming public opposition expressed at both their Town Hall and the Council meeting itself. This vote essentially ends any further debate of the WSP at the local/City level.

We would encourage all of you to contact the North Bend City Council and the Mayor to express your concerns about their vote, actions and their almost complete disregard for public will.

Lastly, the next step in this process is for the Washington Department of Health (DOH) to approve the WSP. Please reach out to Richard Rodriguez (Washington State Department of Health: richard.rodriguez@doh.wa.gov


Thank you Congressman Mike Simpson | Lower Snake River Dams Breaching Proposal


Washington State Legislation | SB5330 and SB5306