OC Joins Center for Biological Diversity and Six other Environmental Groups Requesting NMFS Withdraw Proposed Incidental Harassment Authorization to Conduct Seismic Survey Activities on the West Coast...

These blasts repeat every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day. Please listen to the following snippet from EarthJustice on just how loud seismic testing is to our marine life.

This seismic survey activities proposed by NMFS is planned off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia, essentially Southern Resident killer whale (SRKW) critical habitat. The Service should not issue any take authorization until it has effectively reduced the take of SRKWs to zero and mitigated harm to their salmon prey and critical habitat. Therefore, the agency must reevaluate its negligible impact, small numbers, and least practicable adverse impact determinations.


OC makes comment to Ecology in Opposition of Cooke Aquaculture's NPDES permit applications to raise steelhead...


OC Sends Letter to Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson to deny the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project