OC Facebook Members come together with ways YOU can #BeTheirVoice

Receiving the official news on August 6, 2019, that the critically endangered population of Southern Resident killer whales had lost J17, K25, and L84, was gut wrenching, and heartbreaking.

While we would love to post only good news; unfortunately that is not the case if we continue to choose to work toward restoring a population that is critically endangered.

There is a fine line between acknowledging if the house is on fire, or if the house is actually burning to the ground. Thankfully, so many of you continue to be willing to enter the house on fire, because clearly you stand committed in knowing the foundation is still strong.

The comments listed below are why we not only love what we do, but are willing to continue advocating for future success in Southern Resident killer whale recovery.

It is clear to us that so many of you understand not only what it takes to continue assisting with Southern Resident killer whale recovery, but that you also have the desire and passion to fight towards leaving this planet in a condition that is sustainable for our future generations. #ItTakesAVillage #BeTheirVoice #ChildrenAreOurFuture -Shari Tarantino, President




Mary-Ellen Hasse So sad I hope we haven't waited too long to to be able to reverse this trend of deaths to these beautiful animals of the ocean! We must do everything in our realm of possibilities to assist in their recovery and survival.
Janet Lytle Saddened so much, they do not harm any other mammal, they look for fish food, Salmon, they stay together as a family group, frolicking and tail slapping, showing curiosity every so often by boaters, entertain the boats of on lookers, how on Earth could disgusting man let them go into extinction...I truly believe 10 years ago when their deaths began happening in unprecedented numbers, these disgusting officials didn't care then to remedy, or now as those Dams are not part of the solving hope or alternative measures to get the Salmon re routed. Shame on anyone who is that reluctant to help.
Maloray Powell Everyone should call Governor Jay Inslee daily and demand that the four lower snake river dams be breached immediately! 360-902-4111.
Jeanette Dorner
 One of the most important things we can do is restore salmon habitat. Find your local nonprofit that organizes volunteer habitat restoration events and sign up to help plant trees on your local salmon stream.
Trisha Bunn
 This is terribly heartbreaking...we have stopped using single use plastics & straws, we use reusable bottles & bags, we also do not eat salmon anymore, we hang our clothes to dry always, I use my car once a week. We also pick up garbage left by humans at Crescent Beach & White Rock. I do treasure our Orcas more than words can say & I do spread the word of their plight & consciously denounce the dangerous Trans Mountain pipeline & the risk that is absolutely unacceptable. We all have to do our part...including governments & we all need to put our world before the almighty dollar.
Kalena Lee
 I stopped eating salmon! I've been an organic gardener for all of my yards 21 years.
Vernon Costa
 I’m stopped eating Salmon and tried to stop all single use plastic.
Jay Raichura I have started sending messages to all brands of product that I buy asking to stop wrapping product in multiple layers of plastic. Amazon is the worst for extra packaging!!
Jaime Foster I stopped eating fish altogether 3 years ago, we have devastated their home and food supply. In the end, We humans will feel that devastation
Friends Of Ferris Provincial Park I too have stopped eating salmon, I post and try to gently educate on the plight of our Orcas, avoid plastics as much as possible, buy at a thrift store, and promote cohesive political strategy that is so needed today in this time of ridicule politics. Stop arguing and pointing fingers and start doing. 
It feels like nothing is changing for these creatures and it's all our fault. 
Are we that stupid? (Don't answer)
Winston Monnin incredibly sad and heartbreaking for these poor orca whales🤒
Crystal Arden I eliminated my family's reliance on single use plastic. 
We do not eat or purchase salmon.
I tweet, Instagram and FB awareness every single day. I delve into comment sections and spread awareness. I am an outspoken advocate for all cetaceans, wild and captive. I spread the word every chance I get. I even tell people in the grocery store.
I am a militant recycler.
I up-cycle anything I can.
I grow my own veggies.
Alexis Brown Recycling, raising public awareness for orcas and using reusable bags, bottles and straws
Beth Baisch Cut way down on my salmon consumption because of the high rate of mislabeling leaving me unsure if I’m taking it out of their mouths. I also try to inform others about what is happening, and support organizations that support conservation.
Kristin Corley
 I don't eat salmon. 
And I always correct people when they say killer whales . I know a lot of people call them that but they are an over grown dolphin. So I like to call them orcas!
Natalie Holbrook Paper straws, stop single use plastics and paper towel use.
Theresa Schwartz I'm starting my biology degree in 12 days. That's what my part is. I'm hoping to help change their environment.
Linda Hobson I know this is inappropriate but...FUCK.
Candace Kat We, our family, do not eat salmon.
Margaret Southwell I restore ecosystems.


Ways YOU can assist with Southern Resident killer whale recovery, TODAY ... :)


Orca Conservancy's stance on the Whale Sanctuary Project creating a permanent seaside sanctuary for orcas in the PNW