How to Comment on a Bill

How to Comment on a Bill

  1. Log in to the web page:
  2. Enterthe bill number in the search box and click search.

Orca Conservancy supports the following Bills:

HB1580 and SB5577 - We ask our supporters to contact their legislators and ask for yes votes. While the provisions that most concerned PWWA were removed, the bills will considerably reduce noise experienced by Southern Residents, and there is bipartisan support for the compromise, so it is likely to pass, IF it gets voted on. The Governor, Republicans, Democrats, environmental groups and PWWA reached agreement on compromise whale watching regulations that passed out of policy committees in both houses.  The bills now go to financial committees for approval.  If approved there, they'll go on to a floor vote, and then the governor for signature. VOTE YES.

HB1579 - An act relating to implementing recommendations of the Southern Resident killer whale task force related to increasing chinook abundance this bill passed out of the policy committee in the House, so is still alive.  VOTE YES.

SB5580 - In contrast to the whale watch bill, amendments weakened this one, but it is still worth supporting.  Getting this bill through the Senate will be a challenge, so getting people to contact their senators about supporting this legislation will be especially important. VOTE YES.

HB1578 and SB5578 - Oil spill prevention has passed out of committee in both houses.  We recommend supporting the passage of these two bills. VOTE YES.

HB1341 - Protecting orcas from drones also passed out of committee in the House, and needs support, especially on the Senate side. VOTE YES.

HB1824 PINNIPED CULL - Orca Conservancy opposes the bill intended to help Southern Residents, but calls on the state to request permission to kill as many pinnipeds as allowed by federal law.  This bill goes too far, and puts the burden of recovery of SRKWs on pinnipeds, which then poses a threat to recovery of transients.  We strongly feel there are actions we could take to modify human behavior instead that would help SRKW recovery to the same degree. This bill has passed out of committee in the House. VOTE NO.


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